Gatsby Starter Kit

a set of starters for Gatsby.js

React Website Themes library

All Kit’s starters, except Minimal and Equipped, no-style ones, use styles and React components delivered by the outer libraries @react-website-themes.

Themed, Website and Blog use @react-website-themes/default, Classy Docs uses @react-website-themes/classy-docs.


Take a look at src/pages/index.js of the Blog starter.

/* ... */

import '@react-website-themes/default/styles/variables';
import '@react-website-themes/default/styles/global';

import Branding from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Branding';
import Footer from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Footer';
import Header from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Header';
import Hero from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Hero';
import Layout from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Layout';
import Menu from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Menu';
import Seo from '@react-website-themes/default/components/Seo';

/* ... */

const IndexPage = props => {
  /* ... */

  return (
        <Branding title={headerTitle} subTitle={headerSubTitle} />
        <Menu items={menuItems} />
      <Hero html={heroHTML} />
      <Footer links={footerLinksHTML} copyright={copyrightHTML} />

/* ... */

All React components are imported not from the local folders but from node_modules/@react-website-themes/default/.

Besides the component imports there are also two style imports.

import '@react-website-themes/default/styles/variables';
import '@react-website-themes/default/styles/global';

Both of them are necessary, every time you import any of the components you need to import them too. Firstly, the style imports were located inside the Layout component, so there were no need to import them manually, but I decided to change that, for customization flexibility.

Under development process you can import components like below.

import {
} from '@react-website-themes/default';

But do not do that in production code. This way you import all components of default theme, not only the listed ones.


All themes at @react-website-themes use the great css-in-js library emotion to manage CSS styles.

Every component has it’s own style contained in an outer *.js file. Take a look at the code of the Layout component’s file.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
import { cx } from 'emotion';

import style from '../styles/layout';

const Layout = props => {
  const { children, themeStyle = style, customStyle = '' } = props;

  return (
    <div className={cx(themeStyle, customStyle)}>

Layout.propTypes = {
  children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
  themeStyle: PropTypes.string,
  customStyle: PropTypes.string,

export default Layout;

Pay attention to the three fragments.

/* ... */

import style from '../styles/layout';

/* ... */

const { children, themeStyle = style, customStyle = '' } = props;

/* ... */

Layout.propTypes = {
  /* ... */
  themeStyle: PropTypes.string,
  /* ... */

Every component imports a corresponding style file and assign the returned value to the themeStyle prop, if the prop’s value is undefined. Notice also that everything the style imports return are string values, names of generated CSS classes.

How does it happen? It’s the emotion’s css method job. Below is the code of the styles/layout.js file.

import { css } from 'emotion';

const layout = css`
  padding: 15px 25px;

export default layout;

Now, you are ready to customize the theme to your needs.