

<ShareButton />


Live demo


ShareButton is a core react-custom-share’s component.

It renders a HTML button tag with an onclick attribute pointing to the fuction which opens the ‘share’ pop-up window.


Let’s create a share button for Facebook.

Step 1. In this example, as an inner element of the button, we are going to use a svg icon provided by react-icons. But you are free to use a bitmap image or text, anything what meets your needs.

import FaFacebook from "react-icons/lib/fa/facebook";

Step 2. Import the button component.

import { ShareButton } from "react-custom-share";

Step 3. Prepare an object with props for the ShareBlock component. The url and network are required props.

const shareButtonProps = {
  url: "",
  network: "Facebook",
  text: "Give it a try - react-custom-share component",
    "Social sharing buttons for React. Use one of the build-in themes or create a custom one from the scratch."

Step 4. Add ShareButton to your app.

<ShareButton {...shareButtonProps}>
  <FaFacebook />

Full code

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import FaFacebook from "react-icons/lib/fa/facebook";
import { ShareButton } from "react-custom-share";

const App = props => {
  const shareButtonProps = {
    url: "",
    network: "Facebook",
    text: "Give it a try - react-custom-share component",
      "Social sharing buttons for React. Use one of the build-in themes or create a custom one from the scratch."

  return <ShareButton {...shareButtonProps}>
    <FaFacebook />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

ShareButton’s props

  • network - a network’s name | possible values: [‘Facebook’, ‘GooglePlus’, ‘Twitter’, ‘Linkedin’, ‘Pinterest’, ‘Email’] | string | required
  • url - URL of the page to share | string | required
  • children - an inner element of the button | string, html tag or React component | required
  • media - URL of an image | required if network’s value is ‘Pinterest’
  • link - a link to open in the ‘share’ pop-up window, this prop is used to set a share button for networks not suported by the built-in link builder script
  • text - a short text shared together with the url | string
  • longtext - an extension of the text shared together with the url | string