

<ShareBlockAside />


Live demo


ShareBlockAside is a built-in, ready-to-use ‘share’ block component.

It renders two block of share buttons, one is static placed inside/under the content, the second one is floating aside.

The floating buttons appear only when there is a free space aside.

The components script automatically hide the floating block whenever the static block is visible in the viewport. Set the pageHeaderSelector prop to turn on similar behavior for the title of the web page.


Let’s create a share block using ShareBlockAside with buttons for five networks.

Step 1. Import the icons. As usual, we are going to use icons provided by react-icons.

import FaTwitter from "react-icons/lib/fa/twitter";
import FaFacebook from "react-icons/lib/fa/facebook";
import FaGooglePlus from "react-icons/lib/fa/google-plus";
import FaEnvelope from "react-icons/lib/fa/envelope";
import FaPinterest from "react-icons/lib/fa/pinterest";
import FaLinkedin from "react-icons/lib/fa/linkedin";

Step 2. Import the react-custom-share components: a button and a block. Notice that we will use ShareButtonRectangle as a button component to render the items of the block.

import { ShareButtonRectangle, ShareBlockAside } from "react-custom-share";

Step 3. Prepare an object with props for the ShareBlockAside component. The url, button and buttons are required props.

const shareBlockProps = {
  url: "",
  button: ShareButtonRectangle,
  buttons: [
    { network: "Twitter", icon: FaTwitter },
    { network: "Facebook", icon: FaFacebook },
    { network: "GooglePlus", icon: FaGooglePlus },
    { network: "Email", icon: FaEnvelope },
      network: "Pinterest",
      icon: FaPinterest,
  text: "Give it a try - react-custom-share component",
    "Social sharing buttons for React. Use one of the build-in themes or create a custom one from the scratch.",
  header: "Share it",
  pageHeaderSelector: ".header"

Take a look at the new prop pageHeaderSelector. It’s a distinctive prop of ShareBlockAside. If set the floating buttons will be hidden when the page header is visible in the viewport.

Step 4. Add ShareBlockAside to your app. Remember to pass all prepared props to the component.

<ShareBlockAside {...shareBlockProps} />

Full code

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import FaTwitter from "react-icons/lib/fa/twitter";
import FaFacebook from "react-icons/lib/fa/facebook";
import FaGooglePlus from "react-icons/lib/fa/google-plus";
import FaEnvelope from "react-icons/lib/fa/envelope";
import FaPinterest from "react-icons/lib/fa/pinterest";
import FaLinkedin from "react-icons/lib/fa/linkedin";

import { ShareButton, ShareBlockAside } from "react-custom-share";

const App = props => {
  const shareBlockProps = {
    url: "",
    button: ShareButtonRectangle,
    buttons: [
      { network: "Twitter", icon: FaTwitter },
      { network: "Facebook", icon: FaFacebook },
      { network: "GooglePlus", icon: FaGooglePlus },
      { network: "Email", icon: FaEnvelope },
        network: "Pinterest",
        icon: FaPinterest,
      { network: "Linkedin", icon: FaLinkedin }
    text: "Give it a try - react-custom-share component",
      "Social sharing buttons for React. Use one of the build-in themes or create a custom one from the scratch.",
    header: "Share it",
    pageHeaderSelector: ".header"

  return <ShareBlockAside {...shareBlockProps} />;

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

ShareBlockStandard’s props

  • header - the inline share block’s title | string | optional
  • debounce: wait option for the debounce method applied to window.resize event | number (milliseconds) | optional | default: 250
  • pageHeaderSelector: selector for document.querySelector() pointing the header of the web page | string | optional
  • other props the same as ShareBlock