<ShareButton />
ShareButton is a base component of the library. All of the other button components are bulit on it.
<ShareBlock />
ShareBlock is a base component of the library. All of the other block components are built on it.
<ShareBlockStandard />
ShareBlockStandard is a simple minimally styled container for 'share' buttons with optional header.
<ShareBlockAside />
ShareBlockAside is a dynamic container with additional buttons floating aside the content.
<ShareButtonRectangle />
ShareButtonRectangle is a built-in, ready-to-use styled button.
<ShareButtonCircle />
ShareButtonCircle is a built-in, ready-to-use styled button.
<ShareButtonIconOnly />
ShareButtonIconOnly is a built-in, ready-to-use styled button.
<ShareButtonRoundSquare />
ShareButtonRoundSquare is a built-in styled button.
<ShareButtonOutline />
ShareButtonOutline is a built-in, ready-to-use styled button.